This is all about giving help to those who need it most, those who maybe didn’t have a great role model or someone to teach them, and that’s okay! The beauty of humanity is sharing.
A Trustworthy Source
Be careful what you consider to be trustworthy. Remember, information is one of the most important assets, and many can gain from spreading untrustworthy content. When evaluating information, consider if it's trustworthy before accepting it. Examine others' motives, what they gain from sharing, and why you should listen to them.
Proper Usage of Time
Your life is entirely up to you. Do not let anyones opinions get in the way of doing what YOU want, it doesn't have to fit someone elses vision or dream. Be original, for its the hardest thing to be. Emotions are super interesting, as the easiest one to feel is hate, fear, anger. What we normally think of as strength is nothing close, its the exact opposite! For the hardest thing to be is a kind person, as all truly strong people are kind. Making your own choices is the very thing that makes life so amazing, it is entirely up to YOU! So when considering what to do with your time remember that only a fool bets on a day he may not see. Make sure that you use your time in a way that ISN'T WHAT EVERYONE CONSIDERS IDEAL! If you live your entire life playing the odds, doing what seems to make the most sense, you won't be happy. Happiness comes from graditude and enjoying every moment, not doing something out of fear. Be a good person because you want to be one, and when death finds you, may it find you living. Don't be afraid to live.
An Oil Change
No matter where you live, cars are a huge part of life and need maintained and cared for. The most important maintatince for your engine is an oil change, the oil is used to keep the engine moving smoothly and degrades over time. An oil change consists of draining the oil, replacing the filter, and replacing the oil. It can be done at plenty of shops or at home with simple tools, the most basic things needed are something to elevate the car, something to remove the drain bold and the oil filter. Ideally a lift, ramps or jack and jack stands to elevate the car, but with enough creativity you can use anything to elevate the car. To remove the drain bolt you'll need usually a size 14ish wrench. To remove the filter you can use a tool designed for it or even a hammer and screwdriver. First elevate the car and let it cool for a bit. Crawl under the car remove the drain bolt, google the location of your particular car if needed. Loosen the bolt and drain the oil into a receptacle, make sure you give it enough time to fully drain for the best oil quality. Next loosen the oil filter, you can use a specific tool or if you're desperate you can hammer a screwdriver into the filter and use the handle as a lever to loosen it. After its all empty of oil replace the filter, make sure you lubricate the new rubber gasket with some used oil so it creates a good seal. Replace the drain bolt. Next add the oil that it needs, again use google. Turn on the car and get it level, let it sit and run for a few minutes then shut it off and check the oil to make sure its in a good range.
A Solution for Helplessness
Helplessness. Its when you can't do anything, the profound feeling in your gut of only being able to watch something terrible unfold. When confronted with this its important to realize whats actually happening, most often there is nothing to worry about, after all human suffering is greater in imagination than reality. Revaluate the situation, is there anything you can do? Remember helping doesn't have to be big, even just a smile. Armed with that information you can move past the feeling by refocusing on what you CAN do. But suppose you're in a situation and truly can't do anything at all to help, what to do? Well all you can do is simply let go and not worry, why worry about what you can't control? All things are temporary, nothing lasts forever, just cherish what you've had and do have presently. Inner peace is about accepting what you can and can't do, and making a choice to not worry about whats beyond your control.
An Healthy way of expressing Emotions
Poetry. Its a great form of expression, to spin a tale with words that creates musicals and movies in your imagination. They allow you to feel certain ways and can bring profound realizations, as well as better emotional intelligence. Here's an example: And as my mind opened, that my issues with my parents were about priorities, I also wanted them to come first, to my own detriment, always valuing their money as more valuable than any enjoyment it could give me. I felt so guilty for even existing, like some secret shame, a dissapointment, a true failure in every facet. I lived for them, and it killed me.